- XMES has excellent knowledge about Australian Migration Law and Education. It is developed by an expert who is qualified with a Graduated Diploma in Migration Law from Victoria University & holding a Qualified Education Agent Counsellor – No. Q394 provided by Professional International Education Recourse- PIER. With deep knowledge about nearly 100 visa subclasses and Australian citizenship however we focus on student visa and directly consulting with each student to make sure that they pick the correct course and education provider to meet their expectations, from the beginning to achieve their goal in the best possible way
- XMES brings many choices to students. Because XMES co-operated directly or as a sub-agent to most Australian Education providers, therefore students have many choices to pick the courses, schools, TAFE, VET, Colleges, Universities both private and public in any state or Territory. They can compare the tuition fee among many options to pick the most suitable.
- We provide this service from the bottom of our heart to help students with genuine intentions to study in Australia. XMES has a high responsibility in consulting to assist students during visa processing as well as studying in Australia. We focus on clients with our best intentions for a positive outcome.
- XMES works professionally as our expert have excellent knowledge of Australian Education & Migration laws, so that we are able to assist students on time while processing procedures on seeking scholarships, COE, student visa…
- XMES works manifestly. The information and data we provide to students is clear, up to date and well researched, especially in terms of finance to consult between students and Education providers regarding tuition fees, refund policy and the visa application Charges with the Department of Home Affairs.
Having been in Australia for nearly 10 years & holding a Graduate Diploma in Migration Law & a Qualified Education Agent Counsellor, from the bottom of my heart I would like to assist students who have genuine goals to study in Australia. Helping dreams comes true and guiding you to pick the right direction. Please let us help you free by contacting us: